Are They Ready?

Many parents can’t wait to get their children into piano lessons.  Everyone wants to give their child a well-rounded, rich education.  Many studies have confirmed the fact that learning an instrument can increase a child’s ability to learn in school.  But, what age is the right age?


A preschooler (age 3-5) is fairly new to the world around them.  While they know the basics of walking, running, talking, feeling, and learning, there are still many things which they have not discovered.  Children this young spend their time exploring and discovering the world around them.  At this young of an age, music activities benefit their education the most when the focus is movement, rhythm, keyboard familiarity, and symbol identification.   The fine motor skills involved in mature piano education tends to be too difficult for these little guys and could possibly squelch their desire to learn piano in the future (if a child is noticeably gifted with fine motor skills, formal lessons may be an option). Therefore, group preparatory classes are recommended for toddlers age 3 to 5.  Faith Christian Music Studio provides these classes with a minimum of 3 children.  For more info, visit the Group Lessons link.


Elementary Children

skate-2For children aged 6-11, learning an instrument can support learning development through the foundational years of education.  Music education can improve a child’s thinking skills, concentration, hand-eye coordination, and memory.  Piano lessons in this age group can be started around 6 or 7 years old.  Children who know how to read are more apt to make progress.  But children, who are having difficulty reading, can also benefit from piano lessons.  However, parental guidance will be needed during the lesson and throughout the week in order to help them remember their assignments.


1-1269352844PlnoJunior/High School
Junior High and High School students may feel awkward starting at such a late age.  However, most of these students are surprised to find that they can catch up fairly quickly.  Since the young adult years mark the highest learning capacity for the brain, it is no wonder that these students are able to absorb so much so quickly.  They also have a greater tendency to appreciate their musical education.  For those who are trying to build their college transcripts, learning a musical instrument is also a plus.  It’s never too late to learn the piano!